Digital learning and training

Flexible robot for faster metal machining

The company Danish Tool Productions can now replace manual labour in its production with a robot that grinds saw blades faster. This has been demonstrated in a completed EU project for which MADE provided guidance on implementing automation.

Flexible robot for faster metal machining Read More »

The company Danish Tool Productions can now replace manual labour in its production with a robot that grinds saw blades faster. This has been demonstrated in a completed EU project for which MADE provided guidance on implementing automation.

Manufacturing Denmark’s near-death experience throughout the 00s

MADE’s 10th anniversary: Lars Aagaard, who has been part of the top management at Grundfos since 2003, chronicles how the biggest players in Danish manufacturing joined forces to save manufacturing in Denmark when the ecosystem was heading towards a collapse.

Manufacturing Denmark’s near-death experience throughout the 00s Read More »

MADE’s 10th anniversary: Lars Aagaard, who has been part of the top management at Grundfos since 2003, chronicles how the biggest players in Danish manufacturing joined forces to save manufacturing in Denmark when the ecosystem was heading towards a collapse.

Announcement: the winners of the Otto Mønsted Foundation’s MADE Award 2023

Announcement: the winners of the Otto Mønsted Foundation’s MADE Award 2023 Read More »

The winners of the Otto Mønsted Foundation’s MADE Award 2023 have just been announced. We are pleased to present the first and second prize recipients for research that solves or has the potential to solve industrial challenges. The awardees receive a total of DKK 150,000 in support of their research that will lead to a more sustainable future.

Who will win the Otto Mønsted Foundation’s MADE Award 2023?

We will soon know the names of the 1st and 2nd prize winners of this year’s Otto Mønsted Foundation’s MADE Award. The winners will be announced on-stage at the MADE innovation conference on 7 December in Copenhagen.

Who will win the Otto Mønsted Foundation’s MADE Award 2023? Read More »

Seven MADE researchers are nominated for The Otto Mønsted Foundation’s MADE Award 2023. Learn about their groundbreaking ideas that solve or have the potential to solve industrial challenges.

Five tech trends of tomorrow in manufacturing

How will the products of tomorrow be manufactured? During a MADE session at the Tech Trends of Tomorrow conference, experts from around the world lifted the veil on trends set to reshape manufacturing in the future.

Five tech trends of tomorrow in manufacturing Read More »

How will the products of tomorrow be manufactured? During a MADE session at the Tech Trends of Tomorrow conference, experts from around the world lifted the veil on trends set to reshape manufacturing in the future.

Who will win the Otto Mønsted Foundation’s MADE Award 2022?

Five MADE researchers are nominated for The Otto Mønsted Foundation’s MADE Award 2022. Learn about their groundbreaking ideas that solves or has the potential to solve industrial challenges.

Who will win the Otto Mønsted Foundation’s MADE Award 2022? Read More »

Five MADE researchers are nominated for The Otto Mønsted Foundation's MADE Award 2022. Learn about their groundbreaking ideas that solves or has the potential to solve industrial challenges.

AR, VR, RealWear… Hvilke læringsteknologier fungerer til hvad?

Hvilke læringsteknologier skal man investere i, når det kommer til oplæring af medarbejdere? Det har vi eksperimenteret med i et MADE Learning Factory projekt hos VIA University College. Dyk ned i de dugfriske resultater og lær, hvad teknologierne kan og ikke kan bruges til samt deres fordele og ulemper.

AR, VR, RealWear… Hvilke læringsteknologier fungerer til hvad? Read More »

Hvilke læringsteknologier skal man investere i, når det kommer til oplæring af medarbejdere? Det har vi eksperimenteret med i et MADE Learning Factory projekt hos VIA University College. Dyk ned i de dugfriske resultater og lær, hvad teknologierne kan og ikke kan bruges til samt deres fordele og ulemper.


The story behind your new robot colleague

In the first episode of the podcast series “My Robot Friend” (Min Robotven), we talk about the collaborative robot, it’s origin, and development. Moreover, we visit the robot startup Smooth Robotics to talk about their innovation – a software program for collaborative welding robots.

The story behind your new robot colleague Read More »

In the first episode of the podcast series "My Robot Friend" (Min Robotven), we talk about the collaborative robot, it's origin, and development. Moreover, we visit the robot startup Smooth Robotics to talk about their innovation - a software program for collaborative welding robots.

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Future behavior unlocked: Digital twins enable next level automation

Digital twins pave the way for a greater use of collaborative robots, new research concludes. The study has been acknowledged in the academic community and has given the Danish company LINAK A/S a foundation to further automatize their factories. The project was cofinanced by LINAK A/S as part of the research and innovation platform MADE Digital and with University of Southern Denmark as the academic partner.

Future behavior unlocked: Digital twins enable next level automation Read More »

Digital twins pave the way for a greater use of collaborative robots, new research concludes. The study has been acknowledged in the academic community and has given the Danish company LINAK A/S a foundation to further automatize their factories. The project was cofinanced by LINAK A/S as part of the research and innovation platform MADE Digital and with University of Southern Denmark as the academic partner.