Company participation

MADE’s innovation activities introduce Danish companies to state-of-the-art knowledge, technologies, methods, and processes. Furthermore, MADE helps SMEs with the practial implementation of new technology and knowledge by providing access to leading experts, support for demonstration projects, and more.

Discover your company’s strengths and weaknesses

Based on the EU initiative ADMA, MADE enables advanced manufacturing companies to rapidly gain input on how to boost their competitiveness.

The questionnaire gives you insights into your company’s strengths and weaknesses, which is crucial if you are looking to prioritise change opportunities for future-proofing your competitiveness.

This may be the first key step to start of your development venture with MADE. Consult the list below for projects that may be applicable to your organisation.


Participants from hundreds of different companies and organisations have been gleaning knowledge at MADE events since 2014. We gather the Danish advanced manufacturing ecosystem to share knowledge and inspiration.

Members can see, touch and discuss the latest manufacturing technologies at open labs, on field trips and on company visits. MADE’s webinars and innovation conferences also provide ample scope for learning about new technologies and trends as well as inspiration for partnerships and solutions.

Upcoming events


MADE regularly launches projects with our partners, and we currently have more than 100 active projects. As a member company, you are welcome to join small or large-scale MADE projects. If you want to try out the options MADE has on offer in a small set-up, you could apply for a kick-start project. If you are experienced innovation stakeholders and ready to tackle a more extensive project, a research project may be ideal for you.

The diagram below illustrates how a company can be involved in MADE. At the first step on the R&D journey, companies merely invest a week’s work. Towards the end of the journey, we give companies the opportunity to embark on extensive, novel research projects that could potentially span several years.

Do you have an idea for a MADE project?

Call Innovation Manager Ida Kragh-Vodstrup or send your suggestion in a mail in which you describe your idea and write your name and company.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Ida Kragh-Vodstrup

Innovation Manager

Mobile: +45 2142 5152

Current project opportunities:
Registration deadline: 05.09.24

Kickstart project

Kickstart projects are for SMEs that would like a foretaste of how MADE can help them develop new solutions and implement novel technologies.

Companies collaborate closely with regional business hubs and MADE specialists. Specifically, companies are offered 25–30 hours of advice on resolving concrete issues in their manufacturing process.

Participation in a kickstart project is free – the company merely invests its own time; no more than a single working week. Small and medium-sized enterprises are the target group for this type of project. SMEs have considerable unexploited innovation potential and ambitions to participate in innovation activities, but have extremely limited experience.

Demonstration project

During a demonstration project, we help SMEs tackle specific challenges or try out new production technologies. Projects are tailored to the needs of the individual SME and run for six months from kick-off. During the course of the project, the SME can draw on the skills of experts up to an amount of DKK 100,000.

MADE has three different demonstration projects:

  1. Manufacturing demonstration projects, which focus on the actual manufacturing process
  2. Materials demonstration projects, which put materials-related manufacturing challenges centre stage.
  3. International demonstrationsprojects where special expertise is found abroad

The expertise of the specialists attached to the project will vary depending on which type of project you choose. However, in all other respects, the conditions are the same for both project types. 

It does not cost anything to participate in a demonstration project – all you invest is your time.

Collaboration project

In a MADE Collaboration Project at least two manufacturing companies solve common challenges or optimize the production by using new technologies and methods with help from MADE. Through the project, the companies get help from experts and specialists to create for instance a proof-of-concept, a pilot or a prototype that can find solutions to specific problems and highlight pros and cons of using new technologies.

It is free to participate in a collaboration project – the company only invest with its own time.

Previously, MADE collaboration projects went by the names MADE cluster projects and MADE development projects.

Research projects

In a MADE research project, large enterprises collaborate with small niche businesses, researchers at universities, and technological specialists at RTOs to develop solutions to shared challenges. Researchers and companies alike have the opportunity to participate in our current research platform MADE FAST: Flexible, Agile, Sustainable manufacturing enabled by Talented employees.

International activities

MADE is a partner in several international projects and initiatives focused on research and innovation in the manufacturing sector. The target group for these international projects is diverse: from startups and established companies to manufacturing technology researchers.

We offer assistance in these areas: overcoming specific challenges or stress-testing new advanced manufacturing technologies; gaining fresh inspiration from European first-movers; testing your company’s digital maturity level;

obtaining funding for experiments; and joining transnational multi-stakeholder projects and networks.

This opportunity is facilitated through these initiatives: international demonstration projects; MADE Field Trip, ADMA TranS4MErs, AddSmart EDIH, TechCircle, AI REDGIO 5.0, EIT Manufacturing, DIH2 and EU-DK Support. Learn more about MADE’s international activities.

MADE for Startups

Is your startup specialised in technologies or methodologies with applications in advanced manufacturing? Or are you developing a product due to go into production?

If so, MADE for Startups offers you 12-months’ free membership, matchmaking, access to expert assistance and test facilities, and help to scale up through Beyond Beta’s accelerator programme. 

In this way, MADE gives startups opportunities for networking and mentoring with other companies, researchers, higher-education institutions and Research Technology Organisations (RTOs) and for partnering with major corporates to optimise their product.

Learn more about MADE’s innovation projects:

Ida Kragh-Vodstrup

Innovation Manager

Mobile: +45 2142 5152