Self-propelled robots in VOLA’s new factory: “It’s nowhere else in the world”

The Danish manufacturer of quality bathroom and kitchen fixtures VOLA, has opened an innovative factory of the future enabled by a large number of collaborative robots.

Experience VOLA’s new factory with self-propelled robots.

Volas factory of the future is a unique solution to factory automation, where the robots support Volas employees by automating the many logistical process, ensuring productivity and product quality.

MADE had the pleasure of inviting companies to visit VOLAs factory of the future, where participants could see the new robots working side by side the factory employees.

VOLA, chose to invest in mobile robots to address the need to increase production capacity and flexibility, as well as the desire to create a world-class production environment.

This has resulted in colaborative working environment between employees and robots.

Read the article in Danish

Selvkørende robotter i VOLAs nye fabrik

The robots are improving productivity at VOLA, by automating the internal logistics. This enables VOLA’s employees to focus on production and ensuring product quality, says Peder Nygaard, Factory Director.

Furthermore, the robots help to manage VOLA’s rising demand for quality fixtures and taps.

VOLA already plans to buy even more robots to meet future demand and to further develop their new factory.

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