C-Voucher launches first open call and looks for SMEs with circularity ambitions

C-Voucher is the first pan-European initiative, funded by the European Commission, adopting the concept of the Circular Economy to transform linear value chains (cradle to waste) towards circular models (cradle to cradle®).

MADE – Manufacturing Academy of Denmark is one of the 13 partners in the project. The project will distribute a total of €4.2m to SMEs through 4 open calls.

The first of these open calls looks for companies willing to participate in the Circularity Program (circular economy acceleration program), offering the selected SMEs up to €60k to create and design circular solutions (new, circular products or services) by using design thinking methodologies and implementing new technologies.

Circularity Program lasting 9 months

In total, 66 European SMEs will benefit from C-VoUCHER open calls (2 Circularity Programmes and 2 Adopter Programmes).

In the first Circularity Program open call, 12 SMEs will be selected and invited to the “Prototype-athon” (planned for January 2019). After the event, the 6 best SMEs will participate in the Circularity Program lasting 9 months.

This programme includes tailored and dedicated Designer-in-Residence support (1-on-1 mentoring), vouchers for technology implementation, top business mentoring and further funding opportunities (both public and private).

SMEs will be stimulated to create innovative circularity solutions using enabling technologies (Digital, Hybrid & Engineering) in the following verticals: Agro-Food, partnered with Arla; Health, partnered with Neuca; Manufacturing, partnered with MADE; Blue Growth, partnered with Green Ship of the future, and Textile, partnered with Lifestyle and Design Cluster.

Circularity SMEs interested in designing circular prosperity can apply for C-VoUCHER Circularity Program open call before November 30th.

Merete Nørby

International Senior Consultant, Ph.D.

MADE - Manufacturing Academy of Denmark


+45 2112 3991

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