Announcement: the winners of the Otto Mønsted Foundation’s MADE Award 2023

The winners of the Otto Mønsted Foundation’s MADE Award 2023 have just been announced. We are pleased to present the first and second prize recipients for research that solves or has the potential to solve industrial challenges. The awardees receive a total of DKK 150,000 in support of their research that will lead to a more sustainable future.

1st prize: A new tool for take-back

The Otto Mønsted Foundation’s 1st prize went to Pravin Kumar Mallick, MADE PhD at DTU – Technical University of Denmark.

The cash prize of DKK 100,000 was awarded in support of his research, as part of which he developed a configuration support tool for designing take-back programmes for Novo Nordisk and their insulin pens.

 “Pravin’s interdisciplinary approach has been unique, and he has successfully collaborated with different manufacturing companies on the MADE FAST research platform to test the tool hands on. He has managed to develop a plug-and-play product with massive potential for the manufacturing industry,” was the jury’s verdict.

Novo Nordisk is thrilled with the prize-winner’s research:

”Pravin contributes greatly to our company and Circular for Zero strategy by bringing in insights from programmes in developing a configuration support tool to help design take-back programmes. This is key in maturing our decision processes and insights into the most effective ways of designing and scaling up take-back programmes,” explains Kim Bang Salling, Head of Data and Analytics, Environment and Social Sustainability, Novo Nordisk.

Industriel partner: Novo Nordisk
Title of the research project: Aiding Reverse Logistics Decisions for End-of-Use and End-of-Life Product Take-back: Development of configuration system support for manufacturing companies.

2nd prize: Capturing the sky

The Otto Mønsted Foundation’s 2nd prize goes to Juanita Gallego Dávila, MADE PhD at Aalborg University.

The cash prize of DKK 50,000 was awarded in support of her research involving work with Aalborg Portland on Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage (CCUS) – a strategy to decarbonise industrial processes in cement production.

”Juanita’s contribution to Aalborg Portland’s huge task of establishing a strategy to decarbonise industrial processes in cement production has been outstanding. The challenge of Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage (CCUS) is well known, and she has been instrumental in developing a roadmap that has the potential to secure a more sustainable future,” stated the jury.

MADE Ph.D. at Aalborg University
Industrial partner: Aalborg Portland
Title of the research project: Sustainability evaluation of CCUS: Towards a low carbon cement production.

See all the nominees.

The Otto Mønsted Foundation’s MADE Award

The award will every year be conferred on a PhD student or postdoc working with one of the five Danish universities (AAU, AU, CBS, DTU and SDU) in MADE.

The award is sponsored by the Otto Mønsted Foundation, whose main objective is to contribute to the advancement of Denmark’s trade and industry.

The jury consists of:
– Bjarne Kjær Ersbøll, Professor, DTU Head of section, Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
– Morten Buhl Sørensen, Senior Vice President Supply Chain, Danfoss Drives
– Ulrich Hedegaard Brorson, Group Vice President of Advanced Manufacturing Engineering, Grundfos
– Casper Hansen, CEO, Technicon
– Peter Hesseldahl, Editor and journalist at Mandag Morgen

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