MADE is the new Danish Innovation Network for Advanced Manufacturing

MADE has been selected as the operator of the Danish Innovation Network for Advanced Manufacturing for the years 2019 and 2020.

For the coming two years, there will be 17 publicly supported innovation networks in Denmark covering targeted industries and sectors. MADE will operate one of them and is for that purpose granted 10 million DKK by the Ministry of Higher Education and Science.

"We are happy and satisfied to be chosen as the operator of the Danish Innovation Network for Advanced Manufacturing. Since the launch of MADE in 2014, Danish companies, universities, and RTOs have been collaborating and supported the vision of ensuring world class manufacturing in Denmark. In the end, their support to MADE and willingness to collaborate is the reason why MADE is soon to be the Danish Innovation Network for Advanced Manufacturing," Nigel Edmondson, Managing Director of MADE, states.

Lisbeth Heyde, Secretariat Manager of MADE, will be the Innovation Network Manager.

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