Following a successful line of conferences started in 2010, this 9th conference gives the latest update on the use of Computed Tomography (CT) in the industry. The conference program includes 9 invited presentations by international experts and industrial users of CT. Challenges and solutions will be illustrated relative to the use of CT for inspection and quality assurance in the manufacturing of industrial parts, the medical industry and in food production.

The presentations are brief and focused, and the conference provides an intensive course on the subject of applications of Computed Tomography in the industry.

The conference is organized by Emeritus Professor Leonardo De Chiffre and Danilo Quagliotti, Senior Researcher, Ph.D. from DTU Construct, Technical University of Denmark.


4 juni 2024 kl. 09:00 - 16:30


Technical University of Denmark

Anker Engelunds Vej 1
2800 Kongens Lyngby

Building 101, Meeting Center S12




DKK 2,750 Members of MADE or ATV-SEMAPP and promoting partners listed in the registration form

DKK 3,280 Non-members

DKK 200 BSc and MSc students (Membership is free of charge – register here. Early bird discount does not apply)

DKK 1,025 Ph.D. students at ATV-SEMAPP member institutions

All prices are exclusive of 25 % VAT.

Early bird discount of DKK 300 when registering before 3 May 2024 (does not apply students)

The fee includes talks, breakfast, lunch, coffee breaks and conference materials.

Hans Nørgaard Hansen, Tlf: +4545254816, E-mail:


Registration and light breakfast

Hans Nørgaard, Head of Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, DTU Construct


Danilo Quagliotti, Senior Researcher, DTU Construct

 Session on “Industrial computed tomography - state of the art”
Keynote 1 - Advances in the metrological traceability and performance of X-ray Computed Tomography

Wim Dewulf, KU Leuven, Belgium

X-ray computed tomography (XCT) is increasingly being used for evaluating quality and conformance of complex products, including assemblies and additively manufactured parts. Following a brief introduction of the principles, this presentation provides insights into the current metrological performance of XCT. The error sources influencing XCT measurement results are discussed, along with related qualification, calibration and optimization procedures. Moreover, progress on performance verification testing and on the determination of task-specific measurement uncertainty is covered. Results of interlaboratory comparisons are summarized and performance in various dimensional measurement fields is illustrated.

Prof. dr. ir. Wim Dewulf is a Full Professor at KU Leuven Department of Mechanical Engineering, where he is leading research groups on Manufacturing Metrology and on Life Cycle Engineering. He supervises/-ed more than 30 PhD students, participated in ca. 30 national and international research projects, and has published more than 300 international journal and conference publications. He has been elected fellow of CIRP, the International Academy of Production Engineering.
Keynote 2 - Image quality and standardization

Anne-Françoise ObatonLNE, France

To deal with the complexity of shape that additively manufacturing (AM) enables to build, to guarantee the integrity and geometry of the AM parts, X-ray computed tomography (XCT) has no equal. What better analysis result than a three-dimensional image of the outside and inside of a part to check its conformity? However, to obtain a reliable image, the image quality is of importance and needs to be quantified. Furthermore, to help the XCT service providers to perform good quality XCT images, standards need to be developed.

The talk will address image quality enabling to perform reliable integrity inspection and dimensional measurements as well as standardization to support the development of XCT.

Dr. habil. Anne-Françoise Obaton has been involved in metrology at the French National Metrology Institute (NMI): Laboratoire National de Métrologie et d'Essais (LNE) in Paris since 2000. Her research focused on optical metrology until December 2013, and then on metrology for additive manufacturing (AM) since January 2014. She is conducting research on the investigation and qualification of volumetric non-destructive testing (NDT) methods for quality insurance of AM parts. She is currently focusing on X-ray computed tomography (XCT) and resonant ultrasound spectroscopy (RUS). Related to this topic, she has been staying abroad, as guest researcher, in several organizations (BAM and PTB in Germany, DTU in Denmark and NIST in USA, for one year in 2018). From May 2023, for one year, she was a visiting researcher at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) in California, USA, to be involved only in XCT.
Since 2014, she is involved in standardization on AM: ISO/TC261-ASTM/F42, joint group JG59 on “NDT for AM parts”. In addition, since 2022, she is involved in ASTM E07.01 "Radiology (X and Gamma) Method" (only on XCT). In parallel, she is strongly involved in the XCT and AM working groups of the French Confederation for Non-destructive Testing (COFREND).
Coffee and networking break
 Session on “Industrial computed tomography - Industry cases”
SensMonCT project: determining the detail sensitivity of CT scans

Marko KatićUniversity of Zagreb, Croatia

Use of X-ray Computed Tomography (CT) in industrial applications progressed from simple non-destructive testing of components to full-scale metrology. This progress relied on numerous improvements in design of CT scanners, as well as on improvements in methods applied to CT scans. Accurate dimensional measurement results rely on multiple assumptions when using CT as a metrology tool, some of which have already been successfully researched and implemented. SensMonCT project addresses one of the major issues still remaining in this field: accurate and objective determination of the minimum detectable detail size in a CT scan.

Marko Katić is an associate professor at the Faculty of mechanical engineering, University of Zagreb, and the Head of Laboratory for precise measurements of length, which is operating as a EURAMET Designated Institute. His professional career spans a wide spectrum of dimensional metrology topics: his graduation thesis involved a hardware and software retrofit of a roundness measurement machine, his PhD thesis focused on design and building of a gauge block interferometer, and since 2015 he is involved in dimensional xCT. He participated in EMPIR AdvanCT project and is now coordinating a new Partnership for Metrology project SensMonCT which focuses on development of standards for dXCT. He is also constantly involved in R&D work with industrial partners, working on calibration services and research and development of custom measuring systems. When all of this gets too much, he likes to go hiking, sailing, rowing, or diving.
Advancements in X-Ray CT data processing

Valentina Aloisi, Zeiss, Germany

X-Ray Computed Tomography (CT) is increasingly being used in the industry, for performing a wide variety of tasks. Typical applications include qualitative and quantitative analysis. Examples range from classical NDT inspections (e.g. crack identification, defect analysis, porosity analysis, etc.) to dimensional quality control. One of the key aspects that may affect the result of the analysis is the CT scan data quality. This presentation will discuss new innovative solutions in the field of X-Ray Computed Tomography to enhance the scan data quality as well as AI solutions to process challenging CT scans.

Dr. Valentina Aloisi is Product Manager at Carl Zeiss Industrial Metrology, in the global headquarters in Oberkochen (Germany). Dr. Aloisi obtained her PhD in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Padova (Italy), with research areas in the field of coordinate metrology and computed tomography (CT) and a specific focus on traceability and accuracy enhancement of CT dimensional measurements.
Use of CT-scanning in verification of additive Manufacturing

Thomas Kjærgaard, Lead Project Manage, Grundfos, Denmark

Can we bring CT-scanning from the development/analysis into manufacturing? Grundfos have tested it’s use in connection with Additive manufacturing. Mechanical Engineering 1986, for DTU.
Welding Engineer 1991 FORCE institute.
Last 18 years in Grundfos, with development of production processes and quality.
Lunch and networking
 Session on “Advances in industrial computed tomography”
Keynote 3: CT data processing using modern AI methods

Sven Gondrom-Linke, Volume Graphics GmbH, Germany

Considering the current surge in artificial intelligence, machine learning and deep learning in particular, the question arises as to their impact on industrial applications.

How can the recent developments enhance the non-destructive evaluation of industrial components? And what requirements must a deep learning model meet to reliably detect, classify, and segment indications in industrial computed tomography scans? How can AI additionally help to recognize correlations between production and environmental parameters and the achieved quality of the products in order to improve them?

This presentation provides a concise overview of the success story of deep learning, extracts insights from other machine vision domains, and offers practical guidance on the appropriate utilization of deep learning for in-line inspection of manufactured components.

Sven Gondrom-Linke, a physicist with PhD in material science, started his career at the Fraunhofer Development Center X-Ray Technology. There he was member of research staff and Deputy Group Leader before he changed to industry in 2004. He developed 3D-CT systems and methods as Manager R&D and as General Manager Technology. Since 2013 he is working as Head of Technical Consulting at Volume Graphics, a Hexagon company.
Alternative image modalities for X-ray microCT investigations

Erik M. Lauridsen, CEO, Xnovo Technology ApS, Denmark

X-ray imaging based on absorption contrast has evolved into being the de-facto standard when it comes to explore the internal structures of ofterwise opague components. However, X-ray imaging can do so much more than just providing information about density differences in the object under investigation. At Xnovo Technology we specializes in providing additional material insights by enabling alternative image modalities on standard X-ray microCT platforms.

Here we demonstrate examples of 3D imaging for various materials characterization needs combining absorption, diffraction and scattering contrasts on lab-scale X-ray microCT platforms.

(Illustration: Example of crystallographic imaging of minerals (left) and directional dark-field imaging of fibers (right)).

Erik Lauridsen is co-founder and CEO of Xnovo Technology located in Køge, Denmark. Xnovo Technology specializes in the development of innovative 3D X-ray imaging solutions for engineers and scientists with emphasis on applications within engineering, materials science & geoscience.
Simulation of energy-dispersive X-ray CT

Steffen Sloth, Ph.D. Student, DTU Physics and Exruptive A/S, Denmark

The next-generation X-ray CT scanners for aviation security utilize energy-dispersive Photon Counting Detectors (PCDs) to enhance the material classification capabilities for improved threat detection. To achieve a sufficient field-of-view multiple PCDs can be stacked together into an array of detector modules. This work investigates the sensitivity of the geometry errors of the position and orientation of an array of PCD line modules. A new X-ray CT simulation tool is used to generate CT projections with known geometry misalignments. From the CT reconstructions of the simulated projections the geometry errors sensitivity factors are evaluated from the reconstructed volume.

Steffen Sloth is an Industrial Ph.D. student at the Technical University of Denmark and the company Exruptive. He investigates the metrology of energy-dispersive fixed-gantry X-ray CT system for aviation security applications.
Coffee break and networking
 Session on “Danish Science hub for neutron and X-ray imaging”
Presentation of QIM - Center for Quantification of Imaging Data

Anders Bjorholm Dahl, DTU Compute, Denmark

To be announced

Presentation of the 3D Imaging Center at DTU

Carsten Gundlach, DTU Physics, Denmark

To be announced

Walk to the 3D Imaging Center and visit
 Closure - thank you for today

Andre arrangementer
