You are hereby invited to attend a very special Annual MADE Event 2024 on 7 May when we will be celebrating MADE’s 10th anniversary, experiencing Grundfos’ new Innovation Hub, sharing the latest insights into state-of-the-art technologies and green gamechangers, and announcing the winner of MADE’s first-ever recycling contest.
- 7 maj2024

NB: Closed for registration. We have experienced high demand, and unfortunately, we cannot accommodate any more participants.
Join us for a retrospective and, even more crucially, a long-range prospective. What has been, is and will be the key to the future of manufacturing in Denmark? What new technologies and green gamechangers have the potential to boost competitiveness for large and small manufacturing businesses alike? How does MADE unite manufacturers in Denmark, and what will be the key success factors over the next 10 years?
MADE invites you to a celebratory event featuring leading Danish and international experts who will be offering insights into transformative know-how and science with real-world examples. You can look forward to a keynote speech by award-winning Harvard professor Willy Shih, who will be presenting a global perspective on current and emergent trends in advanced manufacturing.
The other speakers include representatives of Grundfos, Kamstrup, Technicon, Danfoss Drives, ARLA Foods, Khora, Visblue, BBHS, Dampa, Harvard Business School, Aarhus University, the Danish Technological Institute, and Copenhagen Business School.
At Grundfos’ new Innovation Hub, you’ll get an insider on new solutions as businesses and research institutions on different scales and from diverse industries present the results of MADE innovation projects that are geared to boost competitiveness.
In the countdown to the Anniversary event, MADE, in partnership with IMAS, who specialise in CNC turning and milling at their machinery works in Greve, Denmark, have launched the first-ever MADE contest: The company with the best idea for recycling metal-contaminated plastic waste will be announced on stage as the winner, and the prize is a MADE demonstrator programme worth DKK 150,000.
Make the most of this opportunity to meet and network with manufacturing companies, budding startups and business partners, and discover how MADE can help your company with state-of-the-art technologies and know-how for gaining access to the future of manufacturing.
Sign up for the waiting list.
We look forward to seeing you at this festive event!
7 maj 2024 kl. 10:30 - 16:00
Grundfos Øst 2
Poul Due Jensens Vej 17
8850 Bjerringbro
Dansk og engelsk
23 april 2024
Free admission. Please note that if you have signed up but fail to attend without cancelling, you will be charged a fee of DKK 250 (excl. VAT).
Attendees can sign up for simultaneous Danish to English interpreting.
The Annual MADE Event will be moderated by Nynne Bjerre Christensen.
10:00-10:30 am Registration and coffee
10:30 am-12:00 pm Introduction to the new Grundfos Innovation Hub and visiting the stands
Ulrik Gernow, Executive Vice President & COO, Grundfos
Get a sneak preview of the new Grundfos Innovation Hub: a creative oasis designed to promote innovative thinking and cutting-edge ideas geared to the water solutions pioneer’s future manufacturing methods.
Meet and network with other manufacturers well-established and start-ups, alike. Speak with representatives of various research institutions at the many stands and see real-world examples of how MADE innovation and research projects have helped them to test new materials and technologies, resulting in significant advances.
And listen to talks about the opportunities available for assistance with optimising your manufacturing through MADE’S regional consultants and international partners.
12:05-12:20 pm Transport to the Grundfos Event Hall
12:20-12:50 pm Lunch and networking
12:50-1:00 pm MADE facilitates access to new technologies and green gamechangers
Ulrich Hedegaard Brorson, MADE Chair and Group Vice President of Advanced Manufacturing Engineering, Grundfos
Introduction to the presentations: We will touch on three areas: Manufacturing of the future, green gamechangers and new technologies.
What has been – and what will be – key to the future of Danish manufacturing?
1:00-1:30 pm A global perspective on the future of manufacturing
Willy Shih, Robert & Jane Cizik Professor of Management Practice, Harvard Business School
Gain global insights into the latest trends in the manufacturing industry, including value chains, digitalisation, automation, artificial intelligence and sustainability. An award-winning Harvard professor, and a global authority on manufacturing, Shih shares his thoughts on where Denmark is leading the way – and where we lack initiatives and innovation.
1:30-2:10 pm From decline and outsourcing to high-tech and growth
Ulrich Hedegaard Brorson, MADE Chair and Group Vice President of Advanced Manufacturing Engineering, Grundfos
Lars R. Enevoldsen, Senior Vice President, Kamstrup
Eskild Holm Nielsen, Dean, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Aarhus University
Willy Shih, Robert & Jane Cizik Professor of Management Practice,
Harvard Business School
Anne-Lise Høgh Lejre, Executive Vice President Food and Production,
Danish Technological Institute
Casper Hansen, CEO, Technicon
Nigel Edmondson, CEO, MADE
MADE founders look back on the most important breakthroughs in Danish manufacturing in the past 10 years – and together they look at what lies ahead: What will be crucial for Danish manufacturers? How can we transform state-of-the-art science and know-how from MADE research into solutions on the factory floor over the next 10 years? What challenges will MADE need to address?
2:10-2:25 pm Break
Green gamechangers
2:25-2:45 pm Recycling and reuse
Michael Wassermann, Senior Director Sustainability, Compliance & Industry Affairs, Danfoss Drives
Michael Rasch Grønbech, Technical Director, Dampa
Rasmus Jørgensen, post-doctoral fellow, CBS
Gain insights into how MADE assists and advises large- and small-scale manufacturing companies to develop new solutions within recycling and reuse, such as take-back programmes for ceiling panels and the Danfoss pilot project in India focusing on reuse of electronic waste. Which specific challenges are associated with transitioning manufacturing – on both a national and global scale? Do new EU requirements pose regulatory barriers to the reuse of used materials?
2:45-3:10 pm Who has the best idea for reusing materials?
Nigel Edmondson, CEO, MADE
Mette Lindberg Bregendahl, Director of AME Partnerships, Grundfos
Head of environmental policy, Christina Busk, the Danish Plastics Federation
How do we reuse and recycle materials? This challenge is faced by many manufacturing companies, including IMAS, which is looking for ways to reuse plastic-contaminated metal waste produced by their machinery. As a MADE challenge, tech suppliers have submitted innovative proposals for how this problem might be addressed.
3:10-3:25 pm Break and refreshments
New technologies ensure the right expertise and make green solutions possible
3:25-3:45 pm Virtual Reality speeds up installation and training
Johannes Sivesgaard, Business Developer, Khora
Søren Bødker, CEO & Co-founder, VisBlue
Jonas Riddersholm Bargum, Managing Director, BBHS
Kaj Grønbæk, professor Aarhus University
Learn about cutting-edge technologies and state-of-the-art trends in digital tools that provide all-new opportunities for interaction. Gain insights into how MADE projects utilise Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) to benefit Danish companies. These technologies have helped VisBlue with remote installation of their unique flow batteries for storing surplus power from wind and solar energy, allowing the company to reduce their travel activity. Similarly, BHHS, with help from Khora, has created a brand-new VR universe to remotely train employees in the use of their automated baggage handling system prior to implementation at airports.
3:45-4:00 pm Process optimisation with digital twins and AI
Nikolai L. Svalebæk, Chief Enterprise Architect, ARLA Foods Amba
Jesper Hattel, professor & head of section, Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Gain insights into how to use digital twins and AI to optimise roduction processes. Whether used for energy optimisation of pasteurisation machines or for drying oil filters, AI and data-driven machine optimisation can make a significant difference. C.C. Jensen have reduced their energy consumption by a factor of 10. And ARLA Foods’ test and production facility in the UK has shown such promising results that the company hopes to implement the solution at the first dairy facility in the first quarter of 2024.
4:00-4:05 pm Summary and closing remarks
Nigel Edmondson, CEO, MADE
4:05-4:15 pm Networking