How can Industry 4.0 and smart production systems make your company more competitive in the future?
- 6 Feb2025
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Join this online seminar and hear different aspects on smart production from university experts and industry. The talks will be based on applications and cases in the context of plant simulation, integration of advanced robotics, as well as AI for optimization of flexible automation technologies. As Industry 4.0 has a systems perspective, the focus will also be on integration and try to share some of the most important learnings from design and implementation of these solutions, eg. an industrial view on the practical challenges with implementation of advanced solutions for automated storage and retrieval.
We have been fortuned to gather experts from both university, GTS and industry lighthouses to inspirer and share their experience.
The program leaves room for online interaction and discussion with the presenters.
Target audience
This online seminar is targeted at engineers and production managers, PTA Managers with an interest in the latest developments in smart factory technologies.
Seminar organizers
Morten Kristiansen (Aalborg University), Henrik Blichfeldt (University of Southern Denmark) and Hans Nørgaard Hansen (Denmark Technical University) from Teknologisk Videndeling’s production steering group.
Registration fee
DKK 995 | Members of Technology Networking and promoting partners listed in the registration form |
DKK 1,295 | Non-members |
DKK 150 | BSc and MSc students (Membership is free of charge – register here). |
DKK 595 | PhD Students (Early bird discount does not apply) |
All prices are exclusive of 25 % VAT.
Binding registration
Registration is binding, however substitutions are accepted at any time. Just remember to send us an e-mail so we know who to expect.
If you have any questions regarding the seminar, you can write to us here. We will get back to you quickly.
6 februar 2025 kl. 12:30 - 16:00
Microsoft Teams
MADE members participates as members of teknologisk videndeling or promoting partner at a discounted price.