RobotUnion calls for innovative robot solutions

The European project RobotUnion is working to speed up the development of new innovative robot solutions. The first round of applications to join the project has just started.

In RobotUnion the focus is to help robot startups with the development of solutions within four sectors: Agriculture and food, health, civil infrastructure and industrial production by providing the smaller robot companies with capital, expertise and network.

In the first application round, 20 robot companies will be chosen, and they will receive preliminary coaching and expert assistance together with 3.800 euro in free capital. Afterwards, ten companies from this pool will be given 120.000 euro in free capital each along with support and guidance for further development of a new product or solution. Finally, four companies out of the ten will be chosen to receive additional support and up to 100.000 euro in free capital. The application deadline is the 3rd of July 2018.

Merete Norby, International Senior Consultant at MADE, tells about the RobotUnion project and to get involved

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