New project transforms SMEs into factories of the future

The new EU initiative, ADMA, aims to be a one-stop shop for European SMEs, by enabling them to implement advanced production systems and become factories of the future. Results from Belgium show an increase in employment of as much as 15 %.

Many SMEs have limited time and resources to invest in and utilize new technology.

Through ADMA – Advanced Manufacturing Support for SMEs – this will now be changed by offering a method to transform SMEs, promote knowledge sharing across Europe, offer advice as well as rewards for the factory of the future.

“As an SME, you can get support to become the factory of the future by developing advanced production. At the same time, as a participating company, you are able to expand your network” as explained by Merete Nørby, who is responsible for MADE's international activities.

MADE is a key partner in the project together with other innovation networks from nine EU countries, including the Netherlands, Germany and Italy. Through the project the companies can compare with each other and share knowledge.

Seven transformation areas
The initiative will, through seven so-called transformation areas, support the companies' conversion to a more advanced production by assessing each company through a questionnaire that can point out which specific areas that is to be improved.

The purpose is to transform companies towards next-generation factories with more competitive, modern and sustainable production. In other words: Take advantage of the capabilities of Industry 4.0.

How do SMEs get started?
To help SMEs embark on the digital transformation, they must complete a questionnaire ( in which any SME can assess itself in order to get a rough indication of the company's level in terms of ”the factory of the future ”.

"Danish SMEs will certainly be able to benefit from an ADMA score as an input to decide where to focus its future development, and initiate the collaboration with professional experts who can help them further," Jens Ulrich Nielsen, Chief Consultant at FORCE Technology.

Together with the Danish Technological Institute, FORCE will be advisers for the first Danish ADMA courses.


Knowledge of your own business is crucial when competition is international, as Merete Nørby points out:

“It's really important to know where you are and where you want to go, and here our score helps as a form of self-diagnosis, which the company can derive great advantage from – especially when we need to connect advisors to the companies and ensure utilization of development opportunities. It is so easy to confirm and acknowledge yourself if you only surround with own friends and colleagues. When encountering colleagues from other countries, horizons will be expanded as we meet the challenges in other cultures. It can help you see your own life from other perspectives.”

Who is part of ADMA?
The consortium counts 14 partners – including MADE and the Danish Technological Institute – from nine EU countries and is led by the Belgian association Agoria, which has been successful in disseminating a similar initiative in Belgium, where the transformation areas were used to develop world-class production plants.

In Belgium, the project generated excellent results for the companies in terms of productivity and competitiveness – and the employment rate was increased by 15%.

Until summer 2021, the ADMA method will be tested in the 60 test companies from the nine countries.

If you complete the questionnaire via the website and enter your e-mail address, you will be contacted by one of the Danish project partners from MADE or the Danish Technological Institute.

What is ADMA?

  • ADMA is an abbrivation for: 'Advanced Manufacturing support for SME’s'

  • ADMA launched in June 2018 and lasts 36 months.

  • ADMA is financed by the European Commission’s Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME).

  • The goal is to create a network of supporting partners, who can guide the SME's towards becoming factories of the future.

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