L4MS: Second Open Call for Application Experiments

The best applicants will get access to matchmaking activities with system integrators and mobile robot manufacturers, funding up to €250,000 per experiment. The Open Call closes the submission period on November 30th.

L4MS second Open Call for Application Experiments aiming to validate the cost-effective and rapid deployment of mobile robots in manufacturing SMEs and Mid-Caps through virtualization. The AEs will be conducted by using OPIL (Open Platform for Innovations in Logistics) integration platform and 3D simulator, for which free licenses and complete guidance will be offered by L4MS and supported by the EU Commission initiative for digitalising the manufacturing industry, I4MS.

L4MS provides complete virtualization of logistics automation with OPIL together with a 3D simulator, to enable cost-effective deployment of exceptionally small and flexible logistics solutions requiring no infrastructure change, no production downtime and no in-house expertise. L4MS's goal is to reduce the setup cost and time of mobile robots for manufacturing SMEs. The experiments will help to confirm if the platform really contributes to the reduction of the installation, deployment, and configuration by a factor of 10.

The proposals should address the barriers faced by the manufacturing SMEs in automatization of the logistics processes and material flow in the factories and develop suitable solutions, including Hybrid (human-robot) and interactive logistics systems, Highly configurable (multi-vendor) logistics systems, and Fully autonomous logistics systems. L4MS partners will aim to select the most ambitious projects showing the highest potential as global businesses.

For further details visit L4MS.

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