How far is your organization on the digital journey?

Organizations are embarking on digital transformation journeys and increasing the digital intensity of their activities hoping to improve operations, product delivery, customer satisfaction, profitability, and other performance metrics.

Yet the questions of how digital they already are and where the goals for the future should be tend to remain difficult to answer. This unfortunate situation further complicates strategic decision making about which technologies and digital solutions to implement.

As the proverbial wisdom goes, you can’t improve what you can’t measure.

To address this problem, one of the MADE projects aims to develop a tool to help organizations with digital strategizing.

You can fill out a survey and receive a free assessment of your organization’s digital maturity from four different perspectives.

The team behind the project includes a MADE postdoc at CBS and colleagues from KMD and Tampere University of Technology. Because this is a research project, the authors are especially interested in your reflections about the different approaches to measuring digitalization, which you can try and evaluate directly in the questionnaire.

All responses are anonymous by design as no identifying information is collected about the respondents or their organizations.

The survey is open until the 16th of August 2019 but may also close sooner when a sufficient number of respondents is reached.

In case of further questions or comments, feel free to reach out to:

Sergejs Groskovs
MADE postdoc
Copenhagen Business School

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