Companies benefit from MADE research: Faster offers on complex customer requests

Plus Pack has launched a new digital product configurator that enables tailor made and sustainable packaging to fulfill costumer demand. The solution is inspired by Mads Bejlegaards research project in MADE that won The Otto Moensteds Foundation’s MADE Award 2019.

Costumers across industries demands unique solutions – and a speedy delivery.

A research project in MADE about intelligent supplychains equipped the manufacturing company Sjørring Maskinfabrik with a tool to accommodate the need for a quick and flexible manufacturing without compromising on sustainability.

The system that Mads Bejlegaard and Aalborg University developed was so groundbreaking that it won The Otto Moensteds Foundation’s MADE Award 2019.

From a gravel pit in Malaga

At the award show another MADE member, Plus Pack a Danish producer of food packaging solutions, was inspired.

The Otto Mønsted Foundation’s MADE Award

The award will be presented to a Ph.D. student or Postdoc working with one of the five Danish universities (AAU, AU, CBS, DTU and SDU) in MADE.

The winner is announced on September 24 2020 in the House of Industry in Copenhagen.

The first prize winner will receive 100,000 DKK and the second prize winner will receive 50,000 and both prize winners will receive a diploma and an art price.

”The CEO of Sjørring Maskinfabrik (Klaus Kalstrup) had a very inspiring vision: He wanted it to be possible to order tailor made shovels in Denmark from a gravel pit in Malaga. I brought that idea back home – and then we have been developing these thoughts. If they can, then we can too,”  Bastian Fietje, Head of Group Projects at Plus Pack, says.

The family owned company Plus Pack has now on that basis launched a digital product configurator in form of an online CPQ (Configure-Price-Quote) platform where salesmen can create unique customer solutions themselves.

From six weeks to one day

With the configurator Plus Pack saves time and that is welcome in a company that receives more than 200 customer requests a year regarding unique solutions for packaging.

The Nominees

of The Otto Mønsteds Foundation’s MADE Award 2020

  • Casper Schou
    Adjunkt, Aalborg Universitet
  • Mads Bejlegaard
    MADE-postdoc, Aalborg Universitet
  • Venkata Karthik Nadimpalli
    MADE-postdoc, DTU
  • Markus Thomas Bockholt
    MADE-erhvervs-Ph.d., Aalborg Universitet.

“The platform is revolutionizing because the offers on new solutions can be send to customers very quickly thanks to the automized system that performs all calculations. Before we could have dialogues with customers up to six weeks from presentation to final offer. With our new product configurator it only takes us one week with new products – and sometimes even just one or two days,”

‘Bastian Fietje, Head of Group Projects at Plus Pack
In September 2019, Plus Pack opened its doors for a MADE Company visit. Here was a tour of the factory, where the participants got an insight into the company’s production processes and new automation solutions.

New inspiration is key

Plus Pack recently introduced driverless robots in their factory and with their new product configurator the company is one step closer to becoming a factory of the future. That is partly thank to the network in MADE.

”This new initiative illustrates the core in the MADE network: We receive and give inspiration about robots. Furthermore, we have been involved in a MADE Demonstration project about 3D printing, we have invited members to a company visit at Plus Pack and now we are a part of the research and innovation platform MADE FAST. We have many innovation projects, so new inspiration is key for us – like the inspiration we got from attending The Otto Moensteds Foundation’s MADE Award,” Bastian Fietje points out.

Mads Bejlegaard, MADE postdoc at the center of industrial manufacturing at Aalborg University, is excited about the fact, that companies are benefitting from his research that stems from MADE.

“Our research and knowledge only have value when it transcends the walls of the university and has an impact in the industry. It is very satisfying to experience our research being understood and used. It shows the success of the MADE network,” the former winner of The Otto Moensteds Foundation’s MADE Award says.

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