Breakthrough in advanced robot solution to handle composite materials

As a leading supplier to the global aviation industry, Terma has worked closely with researchers and companies on automation solutions that could handle and address the complex manufacturing challenges faced by global aviation industries.

Construction of composite materials has proven to be a very difficult challenge to overcome, but in June 2019, a team of companies and researchers had a great breakthrough.

It was possible to conduct a succesful demonstration test (Technology Readiness Level 4, TRL 4) of the so-called Flexdraper product – an automation solution to composite materiales developed in collaboration between companies and universities with support from, among others, the Innovation Fund Denmark and MADE.

"Flexdraper product is a incredibly flexible production technology advancement that helps reduce our production time significantly. We operate with a high mix-low volume, and this way we reap clear productivity improvements and global competitive advantages, contributing to strengthening our market position," Asim Ikram, Senior Specialist at Terma, says.

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